What Our Clients Say

  • "They came assessed the situation and got to work quickly. Job well done in 2 hours. pipe cleared, water flow nicely and peace of mind. Did I mention good price ? Didn't cost me an arm or leg."

    - Daniel

  • "You can see they really work very hard. 2 men team, but they work in clam, efficient manner. Took care of my issue. All fixed and a small price to pay."

    - William Pang

  • "I have 2 problems. Clog sink and tub overflow. They brought in a machine with long chain. Tub pipe was cleared with lots of debris. Took 3 hours to fix all, but I am very satisfied with the result. Definitely shock but delighted with such low price."


  • "Was very skeptical with quoted price but they really did a good job. They have all parts & tools in their van. It cost so cheap I even tip both of them. You should see how diligent and hardworking they are fixing my issues. They deserve more than the price they quoted."


  • 价钱确实公道。虽然工多做了,时间也拉长了。但没有多收我一毛钱。言而有信。现在很难得了。

    - 小陈

  • 在电话上,有耐心的帮我解答问题。水管结冰了。上门装了保暖器。解冻之后,来了第二荡没收我钱。

    - 玫瑰